3 Period Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make
You’ve tried everything. Every month, you keep getting dismissed and told “that’s just how it is.” You're fed up with how frustrating, annoying and even debilitating the disruptions are when your period (and all its problems) comes each month…if it even comes at all.
If you ever think, “There’s got to be a better way,” you’re right.
It’s not your fault, Melinda.
Your parents, teachers and mentors did the best they could with the information they had to help you navigate your periods.
If you’re fed up with nothing ever working, missing out on work or family activities because of your PMS, or you're tired of your period hijacking your life each month…
You may be making one of these three BIG period mistakes.
Only addressing the symptoms of your menstrual cycle without focusing on a long-term solution.
Today’s society is looking for quick fixes. As a result, people address symptoms without any long-lasting solution.
Especially with the demanding life many women lead in today’s culture - single moms raising kids, career-driven women, entrepreneurs, blended households of being a stepmom, highly active women. I could go on and on. There are pleasures and pressures pulling women in a lot of directions in today's world - and at a rapid pace too. All of this means that women often rely on quick fixes when problems arise just to keep going and keep up with everything happening. And while this may help momentarily, it’s not a long term solution - especially when it comes to period problems.
Instead, use your symptoms like a red flag that your body is using to get your attention. She’s telling you something isn’t right. It’s up to us to hear, understand and interpret those signs so we can change our actions to get different results.
Here’s a question to ask yourself: “would you rather have a temporary, often partial solution to deal with the disruptions, shame and discomfort every month, or would you rather be rid of your period problems for good?”
This is not a question to be taken lightly, because it means that you have to invest in your well-being and commit to making changes in your life. That’s not easy for many women to do, especially in the midst of their hyper-active lifestyles. But it’s a necessary step and it really doesn’t have to be that difficult.
The first step to stop addressing only the symptoms and start addressing the real culprits is learning to listen to your body.
The best way to do that is through tracking your cycles and period. When you start tracking over several months you’ll begin to see patterns and clues that your body is giving you. Don’t just track your periods and PMS. Track your emotions, moods, and other physical symptoms over your entire cycle.
You can do this with one of the many period tracking apps that are out there. Or you can keep it simple and track it on paper, like this simple tracking sheet we provide to Perfect Period customers:
Period Tracking Tool
Let it be simple. Just be mindful of what your body is telling you.
Once you learn to recognize the symptoms as indicators that something’s not right with your body, then you can learn to interpret those indicators to make changes in your life.

Buying into the long-standing belief of “that’s just how it is.”
For generations women have been told that they’ll just have to deal with their cramps and PMS. “That’s just how it is” is what we hear mothers telling their daughters. The origins of this belief range from the stories of Adam and Eve (that our period troubles are a result of Eve’s sins - not that we believe that, but it’s a common belief among many women) to doctors dismissing women’s symptoms.
When it comes to period discomfort and debilitating periods, endometriosis affects one in 10 women. Did you know that one study reports it takes an average of 7.5 years for a doctor to diagnose endometriosis? According to one of the UK's leading specialists, one reason is the "gender pain gap", wherein women in pain aren't taken as seriously as men. The normalization of period problems is a big issue. Many general practitioner doctors and gynecologists diagnose it as PMS and that’s often the end of the conversation. Between our mothers or parents unknowingly dismissing our period pain and doctors contributing to the normalization, it’s easy for women to dismiss it, not take it seriously and learn to tolerate the issues they have with their periods each month.
Headway is being made in women taking a stand and seeking out alternative approaches to support them in having better periods. It’s time more women shift their mindset and realize that just because that’s how it’s been, doesn’t mean that’s how it has to be.
Our belief is that your period isn’t something to just be tolerated or treated. It’s something to be celebrated. It’s a normal (and magnificent) part of what it means to be a woman. And when you can honor and celebrate all parts of yourself you can show up more confidently and fully in all parts of your life (not to mention be a model for the younger generation to dramatically shift this worn-out belief). We’re already starting to see Gen Z take a more “this is a normal part of life” approach and care about the experience they have and the quality of products they use to support them in their menstrual experiences each month.

Unknowingly contributing to inflammation in your body.
Many period issues stem from too much inflammation in your body.
While inflammation is a natural part of the immune system and is necessary for the body’s healing process, excessive inflammation for prolonged periods of time can cause problems for many health functions, including the menstrual cycle.
When you get a cut on your arm you can visibly see inflammation working to repair the body (swelling, heat, and redness). You know your body is doing its job to heal the area. However, inflammation can also be happening internally within your body. This is an invisible kind of inflammation. When you don’t readily see the direct impact on your brain, gut, joints, and reproductive organs, you aren’t as likely to make changes in your life to change it. It would be like getting a cut in the same spot on your arm every single day. The inflammation never gets a chance to heal because you keep aggravating it (albeit often unknowingly).
This exposure to prolonged internal inflammation has a direct impact on your period experience.
In a 2016 ground-breaking study focusing on menstrual pain, scientists were able to discover why periods can hurt so much. The study suggests that the pain is caused by acute inflammation, as measured by the level of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is a protein produced by the liver. Its levels rise when inflammation is present in the body.
Common indicators that point to possible increased inflammation include break-outs (such as acne), heavy flow, muscle and joint pain, irritability, and pelvic pain - to name a few.
Stress and diet are often at the root of these excessive inflammation issues.
Engaging in stress-reducing habits, managing your blood sugar, and minimizing inflammation-causing foods are just a few ways you can help combat inflammation.
This can be a giant step towards addressing the core causes of your debilitating periods and irregular menstrual cycles each month.

All three of these mistakes described here disrupt your hormones, causing issues with your cycles and periods.
Just fixing the symptoms, continuing to carry old beliefs, and unknowingly contributing to the main culprit of period problems is a recipe for continued frustration, NOT the easy period you deserve.
We want you to have a happy, healthy period so you can show up fully in your life and bring all of you to everything you’re passionate about.
But you can’t do that if you’re distracted and debilitated with period problems.
Of the three concepts we’ve listed in this article, is there one that you can relate to more than the others?
No matter which one stands out for you, the first step is to commit to yourself and decide to invest in yourself for long-term solutions rather than short-term fixes. This isn’t something that happens overnight, but is worth it in the long run.

While you’re working to take these steps of tracking, making changes in your diet or discovering stress-reducing activities that work for you, including Perfect Period.® in your daily regime can be a great natural alternative to help regulate your hormones naturally.
For more information about our Perfect Period herbal formula or to buy a bottle, go to www.perfectperiod.com and get started balancing your hormones the natural way today.
It’s time you had a happy, healthy period.
