Meet the Partners
About us
Meet The Partners

Meet Linda
Linda is a self-taught herbalist, avid researcher, and advocate for women.
She founded The Well, a unique store with quality natural and organic products such as herbs, vitamins, supplements, natural foods, aromatherapy items, personal care products, and more. She ran The Well for 13 years and was committed to educating her customers on the most effective ways to take care of their bodies naturally.
After selling The Well in 2014, Linda continues to be a researcher and advocate for women. She is now focused on expanding her herbal formula, Perfect Period.®, to get this product in the hands of all women around the world who need it.
Linda believes that a woman’s period is a natural, normal part of life that should never be a problem.
She also believes a woman’s body is a unique, precious treasure. We need to treat it with honor and respect, and follow good health habits to keep it healthy.
Linda believes that for the most part, a woman’s health is what she makes of it. Valuing herself is crucial to practicing, and thus enjoying, good health. Women are learning that they can and should take charge of their own lives as individuals, and of course are responsible for the decisions they make and the results they experience.
“For 30 years, beginning with my first period, I suffered severely with my period. My very first period after beginning Perfect Period this was greatly reduced. I’m basically problem-free now. This is miraculous.”
South Boston, Virginia
Meet Ken
Ken is that man who knew his calling when he graduated from high school: he knew beyond doubt that he was called into the ministry. He completed a Bachelor of Education Degree at the University of Alabama, then he studied at Lexington Theological Seminary. He was 24 when he was ordained as a minister, and he served churches in Illinois and Virginia. Along the way, he answered another call: build a community for Seniors.
He called an initial meeting, then led the long process of planning, designing, financing and building The Summit in Lynchburg, VA. Today, The Summit is a thriving Life Plan Community that is a partnership between his denomination (Christian Church [Disciples of Christ]) in Virginia and Centra Health of Lynchburg.
Ken had his own full-time job, and he was also a partner with Linda in their business, The Well, participating as actively as time allowed. That naturally led to his increasing awareness of the positive impact that Perfect Period.® was having on women’s health.

What does a man bring to this work that offers healing to women?
After working as Executive Director of The Summit for 13 years, Ken retired. More than once, he heard Linda remark that “Perfect Period was given to me by God. We must make this available to women around the world!” So, Ken encouraged Linda to meet with Melinda to pursue her dream.
First, Ken has seen the impact that Perfect Period.® had on his wife, his daughters, family members and others. Ken also brings his experience as a minister, which trained him to listen, learn, empathize and support. Plus, he brings business skills and knowledge of processes, procedures, organization, and efficiency. He’s aware of the power that can be unleashed “when women come together,” and is grateful to be part of this growing business and movement.

Ken believes there is a rhythm within a woman’s cycle that somehow captures the rhythms of living, with the ebbs and flows, highs and lows of living life on Planet Earth. All life flows in cycles, as do the seasons of the planet, and a woman's monthly cycle embodies that.
He also believes a woman's cycle is a reflection of her being a woman, carrying the potential for new life, and he realized that historically a woman's period has typically been a difficult struggle each month to be endured. Ken believes that a woman’s period does not have to be something to be endured.
Meet Melinda
Since 2002, Melinda has been in the world of coaching and supporting women and entrepreneurs in turning their passions into profits. Through her proprietary Coaches Console® software along with her online coaching, training, mastermind programs, retreats and live events, Melinda has supported thousands of entrepreneurs around the world in creating businesses and lifestyles beyond their wildest dreams. She is also the founder and facilitator of an online community with over 11,000 entrepreneurs. Bringing people, specifically women, together in community is one of her passions.
Melinda now brings her vast experience in online business, online communities and online coaching to spreading the word and scaling Perfect Period.® Her passion for supporting women to create their best lives is a constant driving force in all that she does.

Melinda also brings her own journey of struggling with her cycles, periods, and endometriosis.
For years, Melinda experienced heavy periods with debilitating cramps that would cause her to miss work at times. She even ended up with multiple trips to the emergency room with pain so excruciating that she couldn’t move. As it turned out, it was ruptured ovarian cysts. Her OBGYN discovered a severe case of endometriosis. Two surgeries and one removed ovary later, Melinda was still facing challenges with her periods.
Her OBGYN reported an imbalance in her hormones and shared two options:
(1) go on birth control pills for the rest of her life, or
(2) have a hysterectomy.
Neither of those options appealed to Melinda, as she wasn’t fond of the side effects of either and they both only addressed eliminating the symptoms. Melinda desired to address the core issue of what’s really going on, knowing the symptoms will then change themselves. So Melinda began doing her own research.

She began to work with a Functional Medical doctor to help discover the cause of the hormone imbalance. In doing so, Melinda knew she’d minimize or stop the endometriosis and she’d also better regulate her periods. She made various lifestyle changes that contributed to hormone imbalance, removed environmental toxins and reduced her stress - in natural, healthy ways.
Through lifestyle changes and the use of Perfect Period.®, she began to balance her hormones and minimize her symptoms. She now lives a healthier life and has a happier, healthier period too!
Melinda believes that when a woman can remove the pain from her periods - a significant aspect of her life - she can show up more fully and freely in all parts of her life, giving even more to herself, her family, her community and all those around her.
She also believes that the toleration of pain that women have become accustomed to is simply because women didn’t stop to ask a different fundamental question - “How can I have a healthy, pain-free period?” Melinda believes that this toleration of pain is not necessary. It’s not how our bodies were intended to experience their monthly cycles.
We Believe
Together, we believe that a woman’s period is something to be celebrated, not just treated, and that in fact women can have perfect periods!
And we believe women are designed to thrive inside community, collaboration, and connectedness. When women can join together to share stories, ask questions, support one another and be supported by others, each woman becomes unstoppable and the ripple effect of that is exponential.

If you are experiencing discomfort from your cycles and periods and wish to have a happy, healthy period the natural way, try Perfect Period.® and experience its benefits.
Start to Transform Your Period Today:
T.M. writes about her many ER visits: "I have always missed work each month [due to pain]. I was told by a friend about Perfect Period, and my very first cycle after beginning it, I had only minor pain the day before my period!”