
From One Woman to Another®

Here’s what other women have to say about Perfect Period.®


 A new "normal"

I've realized [after taking Perfect Period] I'm not having what used to be my "normal" cycle and it threw me off initially.  The heavier day arrived earlier than I had expected and it wasn't as heavy, as long or as intense.

New Jersey


 No longer missing work

One woman writes about her many ER visits:  "I have always missed work each month [because of my period]. I was told by a friend about Perfect Period, and my very first cycle after beginning it, I had only minor discomfort the day before my period!"



 This time was the easiest period I've had since I was a teenager.

I'm really amazed at how much this has helped.

My whole life I've been irregular and had challenging symptoms. As I've gotten older my symptoms got worse.  My cramps were so bad that I'd have 2-3 days where I was on the couch or in bed unable to do anything.  After starting at a 1/2 dropper of Perfect Period each day, by my next cycle, my PMS symptoms were so reduced that my period practically snuck up on me!

3 months later, I have NO PMS! No weird emotional bouts, no headaches, no sore breasts. Then after recently upping it to 1 dropper a day based on Melinda's suggestion, with my most recent period I still had no PMS, and while I did have some cramps and headaches during my period, I could function and still go about my day and work.  In the past this would NOT have been an option.  this last time was the easiest period I've had since I was a teenager.  It works! 

I just bought a bottle for my friend and am telling every woman I know about this magical elixir!

Allyson M.


 Perfect Period is helping with perimenopause!

After having kids, there were times when my period was effortless and times when it wasn't.

Then perimenopause started and I REALLY needed help.

I started taking Perfect Period and it HELPED.

Now, every month, my period comes and goes with no struggle, no cramps, no issues.

Amazing!  I've been recommending it to my friends.

Susan P.T.
New York



 Almost zero cramping

My periods had become unbearable - I would be doubled over and unable to function, very very heavy, with a full week of PMS, breast soreness, bloating, hormonal acne, you name it, I had it.

I just started my first period since I've been taking your product [Perfect Period], and almost zero cramping!!! I am in shock.  No skin going crazy, either.

THANK YOU for making this!!!

Angela Bridge


 No more laying in bed miserable!

I love Perfect Period!

Before taking Perfect Period, I had severe cramping with spotting for up to one week prior to my period starting.  I also had heavy bleeding with nausea for the first few days.  I wanted to get rid and lessen my reliance on Ibuprofen as a way to hopefully manage my symptoms. After just one cycle, I could already tell a difference.  I had less cramping and the pre-period spotting was gone.  My period just started.

The only thing I noticed was on the first day I was feeling a bit blah and wondered if this is what "normal" women typically experience with their periods.  I'm heading on vacation and just said to myself "I gotta make sure I pack my bottle of Perfect Period!"

Zeena Regis


 My periods are becoming normal

I am starting to see my period become normal.  I was seeing things that were not normal; but now with Perfect Period, I'm starting to see my period become normal.  Overall I'm feeling a bit happier.

Lauren Abrami


 I didn't even notice my period

My period tracking app texted me a notification "you're about to start your period" and that's the only way I knew I was about to start because I didn't have any PMS - which I usually do.

Kara Herr
North Carolina

I thought: Why not?

"Perfect Period is a no-risk way to get your body working as it should; so I think why not try it?  It seems to be working for me.  It's a very natural way to get your period in balance.  And I would say, try this for some time, like 3 months, to see what it can do for you.  Don't cut it short.

Lauren Abrami


 Cramps reduced by 75-80%

After taking Perfect Period for two months, my discomfort and cramps have been reduced by about 75-80%

Lauren Colliver


 It's simple and easy

After having tried other supplements with rigid requirements for taking them, I really like that Perfect Period is simple and easy to take.



 This works!

It's only been a few days since I stopped taking Perfect Period [because I ran out] and I can tell a different - my hot flashes have already been coming back.

Kate Steinbacher


 It's less heavy and shorter

I noticed it was a more normal schedule.  Before I started taking Perfect Period, my period was every 2 weeks and it was heavy on days five and six.  Now it's every 28 days.  It's less heavy and it's also shorter.  It only lasts 3-4 days with light spotting on day five.

Christy Montoya


 My body is responding well

I've had no cramps and my lower bak issues have reduced.  I usually feel internally beaten to a pulp, raw and bruised right before I start and on the first two days of my period.  I haven't felt any of that at all this time.

Lindsay McKinnon



 Becoming more aware of my body

[Now that I'm taking Perfect Period] I'm being more aware of my body.  I'm really enjoying this.  I've always kind of known that my period was off, but it was good to become aware of my body when I was preparing to start taking Perfect Period [through tracking, paying attention].

Lauren Abrami


 I felt calmer

The most welcome change brought about by the use of Perfect Period is that I quickly felt much calmer and more centered; more in control of my emotions.  I've also realized that my diet has improved, I watch less TV, and am more self-aware.  I'm paying more attention to my behaviors in a positive way rather than with self-criticism.

Paula Tompkins


 Better cycle timing

My cycles had become increasingly shorter in between periods each month and it was making me nervous.  My last period [the first period I had after being on Perfect Period for a full cycle] was a 23 day cycle.  The next time it was a 27 day cycle and it felt so much better.

Elizabeth Johnson


 Usual warning signs are gone

The week prior to my period I really didn't have much at all regarding PMS - just a little bloating and a quiet realization that, "Oh. Maybe I'm getting ready to start."  The usual warning signs were not there.




 An easy 5 days

This period was only 5 days. Days 4 and 5 were only light spotting. It was an easy 5 days and very, very light at the end.

Elizabeth Johnson


 It's the most amazing thing

My period just starts.  It goes for 3 days. Then it stops.  It's the most amazing thing.

Lindsay McKinnon


My period is lighter

Hi! Just wanted to let you know my results with Perfect Period so far. I used 10 drops a day for my last cycle and felt SO much better than I did on the pill (I’m finally sleeping!). My period was lighter than on the pill and I had less discomfort. . . .

former Poison Center Prevention Educator

My boyfriend thanks you!

Your Perfect Period formula seems so far to be working wonders. I believe with continued use, my “roller coaster” symptoms seem to be leveling out. . . . I believe it’s a matter of finding the right dosage for me. My boyfriend thanks you!



Hot flashes be gone

It’s only been a few days since I haven’t been taking it and I can tell a difference. My hot flashes have already been coming back.

Kate Steinbacher


 Problem-Free Period

For 30 years, beginning with my first period, I suffered severely with my period. My very first period after beginning Perfect Period this was greatly reduced. I’m basically problem-free now. This is miraculous. 



My period was a non-event

Lauren Abrami


It works wonders

Perfect Period works wonders for my hot flashes. I adjust according to my stress.

Roanoke, Virginia


I'm a huge fan

I’m a huge fan of Perfect Period. I’ve used it for a couple of years now and it’s wonderful.  It made a complete difference in my life. During my cycle the suffering was extreme, and I often missed work because of it. After taking it for two months it was rare I even needed to take anything at all for cramps. That was amazing. Perfect Period really is a miracle.


Longwood, Florida

No problems with my cycle

I usually had problems with cramping and headaches with my period, until I began taking Perfect Period about five months ago. It only takes 5 drops per day for me. Now I have no problems with my cycle at all.

Bedford, Virginia

 My period didn't announce itself

Perfect Period has taken ALL of my physical tell tales of my impending period off the plate.  So weird!  I just... start bleeding!  No insatiable cravings, no back ache or cramps or feeling beaten and bruised from the insides... kinda freaked me out at first because I couldn't "tell" what was happening. Oh! My period!  There you are!  Sneaky b*%ch didn't announce yourself this time for days on end.  Ok.  You can stick around.

Lindsay McKinnon


 A different period... a different life

My period is the partner I would surely fire if I could.  Instead, I'd like it to be a partnership that is good and welcoming and healthy.  I feel like I would have a different life with something like this [Perfect Period] - my success, mental health and body would be different.  And I could go to family members that have similar genes as me and say 'this could help you too.'

Sunny Wasiela

 Perfect Period serves the feminine in a natural way

[Taking Perfect Period] has brought about a major positive change in my life and the ending of overwhelming cravings I haven't been able to keep under control.  Now I am in charge of how and what I eat.  I'm very excited about this product and how it can serve the feminine in a safe and natural way.

New Jersey


 Pre-period headaches gone

I've had headaches my whole life right before my period.  I didn't have my pre-period headache this month which was awesome.

Elizabeth Johnson

Astounding results

After taking Perfect Period for just one cycle, I've experienced astounding results! I didn't have any cramps for this period! Usually, I'm on the couch with a heating pad for one day because they're so bad. It's great to not have to deal with period issues on top of everything going on in my world right now. I'm a believer in Perfect Period.

Kara Herr

North Carolina

Cravings under control

[Taking Perfect Period] has brought about a major positive change in my life and the ending of the overwhelming cravings I haven't been able to keep under control. Now I am in charge of how and what I eat. I'm very excited about this product and how it can serve the feminine in a safe and natural way.

New York

 I don't even mind the taste

I enjoy taking Perfect Period.  I take it straight down the hatch. Then after, I brush my teeth.

Lindsay McKinnon


 Thank you

Please thank Linda for creating this and for all you're doing to get this out in the world.  This is great.

Elizabeth Johnson

 I can already tell a difference

I started taking [Perfect Period] two weeks ago and can already tell a difference.



 Cramps reduced by 50%

It's definetly helped. Before I started taking it I would get cramps the week before my period. They were a 6 on a scale of 10. But after just two months of taking it, they're a lot less. Now they're a 3 on a scale of 10.

Sally (teenager)



If you are experiencing discomfort from your cycles and periods and wish to have a happy, healthy period the natural way, try Perfect Period.® and experience its benefits.

Start to Transform Your Period Today:

Buy Perfect Period.®


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.